
At the top of the page, you need to call a template tag to get the proper variation fit for the object

{% get_text_variations object %}

Default usage: get the best variation fit for the requested variation:

{{ object.headline_variation }}

Testing the requested variation/dimension

{% if text_variations.requested.language.code == 'es' %}

Displaying information about the requested variation

<p>You are viewing the
{{ text_variations.requested.audience.name }}
version of the site in
{{ text_variation.requested.language.name }}.</p>

testing each field

{% if text_variations.headline.language.code == 'es' %}

Testing if a field is not the requested variation

{% if text_variations.headline == text_variations.requested %}

Does a specific variation exist for a field?

{% if object.text_variations.headline.en.ad %}

get specific variation of a field

{% get_variation object headline language=es %}

Context Processors

text_variations = {
    'requested': {'dim1': {'code': 'c2', 'name': 'Code2'},},
    'field1': {'dim1': {'code': 'co', 'name': 'Code1'},},
    'field2': {'dim1': {'code': 'c2', 'name': 'Code2'},}

Canonical URLs

When the returned variation does not match the requested variation

If there are multiple fields on a model with variations, each could have different set defined variations, you will have to pick one field to define the canonical variation, such as blog entry content.

Table Of Contents

Previous topic

Variations and URLs

Next topic

Editing One Dimension